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Shira Shebalev Album

Shira Shebalev Album


Note: This product is a download.


It’s not all that common for a 20-year old to write an introduction for his own album, let alone to release one at such a young age in the first place. So, dear listener, please open your heart, and allow me to share some songs from mine. Perhaps to your dismay, there is no unique background from which I come, nor is there any inspiring story that made me who I am today. This album is simply a manifestation and microcosm of my journey in finding myself through music. This is a journey that begins with my career in the Miami Boys Choir at the tender age of 8, into my debut album Miracles, which then catapulted me into my four wonderful years of high school at TABC (#StormNation), and now, learning in Eretz Yisrael at Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion. It is a journey, simply put, of growth, both in maturity and in passionate yiddishkeit, which displays itself quite clearly on every track of this album. Those teenage years are often the beginning of a process of self-discovery, of ups, of downs, and every road in between. This album is a celebration and metaphorical toast to that journey, to the past, the present, and what the future has in store. 

I want to thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for giving me this rare opportunity to create music, and to be able to work with such an incredible team on this project. It is something I will never take for granted. I deeply understand the responsibility I have as an artist to not only serve and connect to You, but to help others serve and connect with You. It is my goal as an artist with Hashem’s help to continue to do this for many years to come. We Can’t Thank You Enough!

- Dovid

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